Online retailer Amazon is suing 1,114 people for leaving "imitation, misleading and inauthentic" reviews on the site.

Amazon claims the defendants, termed "John Does" equally the visitor said it is unaware of their real names, offer their false review service for as little every bit five dollars (£3.25) on the website, with most promising 5-star reviews for a seller'due south products.

The latest legal action comes after Amazon sued a number of websites in Apr for selling faux reviews.

"Amazon is bringing this action to protect its customers from this misconduct, past stopping defendants and uprooting the ecosystem in which they participate," the legal activity says.

The firm said many of the defendants request text from the sellers for the reviews, and take steps to avoid detection by using multiple accounts and unique IP addresses.

Not simply Amazon

Not all Amazon Reviews are real, or this funny

Anyone from TripAdvisor to Amazon and more tin can exist affected by simulated reviews – meaning there are at present serious doubts well-nigh how reliable using online reviews tin be.

And it'southward a big problem, with around iv people in v now checking online reviews when deciding whether to buy something.

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"Millions of people wait at online reviews and endorsements before making decisions such every bit where to stay on holiday or which plumber to use," Nisha Arora, consumer senior managing director at the Competition and Markets Potency said.

"We take found that consumers who use online reviews and endorsements find them valuable, merely nosotros take also heard about some practices that may exist unlawful."

The CMA believes £23 billion a year of United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland consumer spending is potentially influenced by online reviews.

How to detect trustworthy reviews

"But information technology said it was well made?!" (



The start thing to say is that there are reviews yous can trust when making a decision – and that not all sites work the same way.

"Customers' need to be able to trust that the reviews they see are written by a genuine purchaser - unedited, un-moderated and not polished - the positive and the negative ones," said Andrew Mabbutt, primary executive of Feefo .

Feefo was set then that you can only review something you take actually purchased, and designed to get as many of the people who did buy the item replying as possible – to finish a song (or paid off) minority influencing the overall rating.

Nosotros also asked him for his tips on telling trustworthy reviews from the fake ones – hither are his top five means to spot a faux:

  1. Language: Typical reviews are moderate in their tone, whether that's to praise or be negative. Look for excessive punctuation and overly positive or negative language. Also, be wary if overly specific language is used such equally industry-specific jargon or overuse of key words, for case a specific proper name of production, model, hotel and restaurant.

  2. Emotion: Real reviews volition include emotion and talk near the value of the production/service rather than but talking nigh the features. Await to see if the reviewer has mentioned how they used the product or service and what impact this has had on their lives and experience. If a review is only about features without any emotion, it'southward likely to exist artificial.

  3. Platform: Bank check to run into if the platform on which you're reading the review is an open or closed feedback organization. Open systems, like Trip Adviser and Trust Pilot will permit anyone to review a product or service irrespective of whether that reviewer has fabricated a purchase or fifty-fifty visited the specific destination. Closed feedback systems like Feefo will only allow those who have made a purchase to exit feedback, past inviting them to leave a review via email.

  4. Check the reviewer: We all know almost serial complainers, merely what well-nigh faux reviewers? Where you lot tin can, cantankerous-reference the reviewer. Have they left more than one review? If they accept, check the language used – are the reviews nevertheless? Are they all negative or positive? If they've only left ane review, or multiple that all sound like, exist warned.

  5. Frequency of reviews: Have a look at how many reviews have been left, and how frequently they are being sent. For example, if a product or service has received a big chunk of their reviews over a brusque period of time (half an hour to a few hours) this is can exist seen as a carmine flag; it'southward far more natural for reviews to be left over a longer period of time, not in ane small burst.

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