What Happens if You Smoke and Didnt Know You Were Pregnant

Should I worry if I drank or smoked before I knew I was pregnant?

You'll likely cut back on alcohol, kiss cigs farewell and quit any naughty drug-taking once you're pregnant. Just what happens if you don't know yous're expecting, and you've been doing 1 or all of the higher up?


Unless you're actively trying to go pregnant (and following 'boost your fertility' guidance to a T), chances are you're just living your life equally normal earlier that positive test pops upwards.

And so, the joyous news can as well bring on a world of anxiety – if y'all've been enjoying your gin or your wine, regular cigarettes or have even taken drugs.

Information technology's natural to worry that these indulgences might've had a negative effect on your unborn babe. Here, nosotros want to set the record straight, and requite you a fiddling bit of reassurance…

Here's everything you demand to know about drinking, smoking or doing drugs before finding out you're meaning…

pregnant didnt know

The Near important thing to recollect is that you can't turn back the clock. Giving yourself a hard time and stressing won't do you or your babe any practiced. Get easy on yourself ❤️

Don't forget that you're not alone in this, either. Our resident GP, Dr Philippa Kaye, tells us that she gets newly pregnant patients worried about these sorts of things all the time.

"This comes up quite a lot actually," she says. Meaning that, despite the fact you probably feel pretty guilty, you're not being judged by your doctor.

For those in the very early stages of pregnancy, Dr Kaye reminds united states: "Nosotros date pregnancies from the 1st day of your last menses, pregnant that past the time your period is late (if you lot accept a iv week wheel) and you lot have a positive pregnancy test, y'all are counted equally 4 weeks pregnant.

"Just the 1st 2 weeks of those you haven't even ovulated, so one time you ovulate and conceive – when the sperm joins with the egg – it is about another week until implantation when it implants into the womb. And then for much of those 1st few weeks, y'all haven't fifty-fifty ovulated!"

"Of course nosotros would similar the ideal environment for formulation, with no alcohol or smoking, but that isn't the reality oftentimes.

"Once you do know, if yous are able to make changes such as stopping smoking (ask for help!!!) then it would be great for both your and your infant's wellness."

Dr Kaye also says the important matter, particularly if you're further forth in the pregnancy before finding out, is to tell your docs about your drinking/smoking/drug-taking habits, so they can make sure everything'south OK.

"I think the of import affair if you lot have been drinking/smoking/using drugs and are a few months forth is to tell your antenatal team, then that if at that place is a potential consequence then nosotros tin look for it and aid if possible."

I was drinking before I knew I was pregnant


Whether you've been binge drinking or just enjoying a few wines here and there, the all-time affair to do is not to worry excessively about information technology.

Rest assured, there is some research to propose that a few (not-excessive) drinking sessions are not going to impact the baby in the long run.

Some women detect that they get more than unexpectedly ill after a few drinks anyhow, even when they don't know they are pregnant, and this inadvertently curtails their drinking.

If you've had a wild night out, remind yourself that yous didn't know you were pregnant, that y'all wouldn't accept binged if you had, and place your focus on a salubrious lifestyle going forrard.

Tin I still drink a bit now I know I'm pregnant?

The official guidance on alcohol during pregnancy is, to be honest, a scrap rubbish and confusing.

In a nutshell: experts and wellness organisations would prefer y'all didn't drink at all, simply say if you ARE gonna drink, and so don't exceed ane – 2 units of booze per week.

Alcohol gets carried through the blood stream, and the foetus takes all its diet directly from the mother's claret. So, continued drinking through pregnancy tin can have a negative consequence on the infant.

The odd drink of wine or lower booze beer won't exist a worry, but continued heavy drinking on a regular ground has been shown to touch on a baby'due south brain and concrete evolution.

Alcohol and pregnancy – everything you need to know

I smoked before I knew I was pregnant

Smoking earlier pregnancy does not affect your unborn baby, and if you lot have been smoking up until now, it's best not to dwell on the past but to work hard on giving up, instead.

Of course, giving up permanently is the best course of action, as smoking around a young baby does increment the adventure of SIDS (cot death). Try to give up until the birth, at least.

Call up that smoking during the early on months does non announced to be as harmful as information technology is beyond the 4-month marking, and so quitting as soon as yous know you are pregnant is the best and safest grade of activeness.

Mind, miscarriage, depression-birth-weight babies and longer term health issues for your baby, are some of the key dangers from continued smoking.

And so, it really is best to give up equally before long as you can. Don't forget: in that location's support to help y'all quit bachelor on the NHS website.

Smoking and pregnancy – everything you need to know

I took drugs before I knew I was pregnant


You're probably feeling specially guilt-ridden if you lot've taken illegal drugs while significant, before you knew you were expecting.

Again, there'southward not much you can do about it now, then delight don't beat yourself up near it. Instead, make certain yous confide in your GP, so they're fully aware of everything that you've taken.

2 very common drugs, cocaine and marijuana, do cross the placenta, so tin can accept an effect on your babe. In early on pregnancy, there is less of a worry, merely any continued use tin cause negative health effects.

Nosotros've got a full guide to drugs and how they touch on your baby right hither. Nosotros'd definitely recommend giving information technology a read…

The effects of illegal drugs on your unborn baby – drug by drug

The bottom line

Remember: you're merely human being. None of u.s.a. are perfect. Yous didn't know y'all were meaning, and we bet you'd have done things differently if yous had.

Punishing yourself or worrying loads will only make it harder to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle for y'all and your unborn piffling one.

Exist kind to yourself, especially if you're now fighting an addiction to nicotine or trying to stay clean for the sake of your baby. Information technology's not like shooting fish in a barrel, so well washed you, and keep upward the good piece of work.


Images: Getty Images

Read more:

  • Booze and pregnancy – official guidance and effects
  • How smoking can affect your unborn baby
  • How do illegal drugs bear upon your baby in the womb? A total guide


Source: https://www.madeformums.com/getting-pregnant/didnt-know-you-were-pregnant/

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